un lecteur MP3 divinissime !!!

Le Saint B mp3 player, par le studio russe ManWorks Design.
N'existe qu'à l'état de prototype...
Flash-player in a chrome-plated steel body frame.
Control elements and OLED-display are covered by flexible, semi-transparent plastic. A log in to the computer and charging are via USB port.
Concept: A form of the player is inspired by the original Christian symbol, the cross. Indeed, we wear it in the same manner as a player - around the neck.
We are playing not only with the form, but with religious symbolsycs. This player immediately brings many questions - whether it is possible to listen to any kind of music on it? Whether it can keep on playing a role of the religious symbol? Does everybody have a moral right to wear this thing?
Overall size: 92x64x11 mm.